Scott Hlavaty
I grew up in Logan, the son of Ray and LouAnn Hlavaty. My Father was a loved and respected Pediatrician in town who loved sports and the outdoors. I would like to think I inherited many of the things I like to do as well as my character from my father.
I graduated from Logan High, served an LDS mission to Finland, and attended Utah State University majoring in Finance. I met my wife Michelle Sampson while attending USU.
After graduation, Michelle and I moved to St. Louis, MO to attend dental school at Washington University where I graduated at the top of my class. Following dental school we moved to Milwaukee, WI to complete a two-year residency in Orthodontics and also complete a Masters of Science degree.
Having no orthodontic practices available to come home to in 1993 we decided to start our own. It has been a challenging yet invigorating ride as the practice has grown from nothing to what it is today. We have been blessed.
I feel like the luckiest guy in the world to be doing what I do for a living. Even after 20 years and thousands of patients I enjoy going to work every day.
Front desk: 435-753-2828
150 East 200 North
Logan Utah 84321
Hours of Operation
Mon • Tues • Thur: 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Wed • Fri • Sat - Sun: CLOSED
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